Just taking a quick break from THE MOVE to catch up a bit online.
I so apologize for not posting more during this month - but watch out, I'll get my move all done and then you're going to get lost in all the posting I'll do!
I've been tagged!!!
~Thanks Tracy!
These are the rules.... each player starts with 7 random fact about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of the blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.
7 things about ME:
1- I'm working on creating an 'as perfect as I can make it' studio/scrap room!
2- I'm a fanatical reader - hmm, I think there is a name for it: Biblioholic!
3- I totally love Sandra Boynton's Philadelphia Chickens CD (well, most of it)
4- I want to be a writer (eventually). I practice and work at it and some day I'll get a manuscript good enough to submit.
5- I'm totally allergic to cats and I have 8 living with me in my house currently, but I love it!
6- Some people might think I'm OCD, but I'm not, I don't think so anyway. I'm just detail oriented ;)
7- When I was younger I rode horses competively and actually took first in the keyhole event even though I was 6 months pregnant.
OK, taggee's I'm only tagging a few, since some have already been tagged!: ('nough tags? LOL!)
(in advance - I'm just realizing that if I don't find every comment, I won't know if you've already been tagged! I was just checking all your posts - SO... if you've been tagged already, please forgive me - I'm still brain fried from all the move stuff happening at my house!)
1. Alicia
2. Brenda
3. Celeste
4. Ginger - if you can read this - invite me to your blog, pretty please?
5. Trish - have you not been tagged yet??
While I'm here...
Here's Lexy asleep in her new big girl bed! Yes, we've had her in a toddler bed up until now. Apparently we need to buy the crib/toddler/full bed conversion kit to get the headboard and footboard up. But that will have to wait - the mattress can sit on the floor for now.
That's our cat Noel sleeping there with her.
We still have the majority of our stuff in the storage shed right now, so the walls are rather bare and the house definitely has the just moving in look to it right now. Boxes in corners, bare walls, no curtains (but we did get the blinds up), and empty cupboards!
I just have to be patient! Not a strong suit of mine.
I made my own version of the CLIP-IT (well, a very simple straight version) Check back, I'll post the instructions and photos later today!
1 comment:
Look at her in that huge bed! The colors in that room already look SO cute, and i LOVE that lamp! Hope you guys are doing well moving into the house and unpacking! Sorry we can't be there to help!
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