I've noticed that when life gets the busiest, my ever present planner does not reflect my life accurately - and the same goes for my blogs!
The busier I am, the less I blog (which only makes sense) but my planner entries also dry up.
Looking back I see these huge blank spots, days and weeks of what looks like vacation - no entries, no appointments, no notes. I haven't fiugred out if this is a bad thing, yet.
You would think that when I am swamped that I could benefit from some organization, some lists of things the need to get done. Or, is it that I am running from one thing to the next so fast that the time it takes to sit and think and write it all down is a luxury I cannot afford. Either that or it's too scary a prospect to actually look at it all. I just might have to give up if I were to see it all in print!
All that to the side, have to update here because . . well, just because.
Writing Conference
The Writing and Illustrating or Young Readers Conference was AWESOME! If you are a writer, are getting started or just want to make those all important connections that are vital to getting published, you should not miss this one-of-a-kind event. There is not another conference I know where you get to spend 4 hours every day for a week with only 12 other students and a highly qualified published teacher/published author. Martine Leavitt is amazing! Seriously read Keturah and Lord Death, you will see why I am in awe.
Closely following the conference (as in that Saturday) the Orem Library held it's first annual Fabric Arts Boutique. This was a starter year, and things did not happen like I dreamed, but if you didn't score some incredible fabric and textile deals you really missed out. I don't think we can pull those kinds of deals off again. My pocketbook is not happy, but my little crafter soul is.
Plus, we raised funds for the Center for Story along with educating the public with exactly why we need to build onto the library.
Rock Canyon Literary
Next, The Rock Canyon Literary Agency L.L.C. is officially 'outed'. We've opened up submissions, although it's still fairly restrictive--we have high expectations from our clients--we will accept proposals for representation,we've got Facebooking and Twittering started (albeit, not a lot of chatter going on yet) and...of all things (I know, huge run-on sentence going on here) we are brainstorming having an editors conference next February.
After all, it's the editors that authors want to connect with right? It's great authors that editors want to find too. What if we were able to bring the best of the best together each winter in conjunction with what happens at the Timpanogos Midwinter event? What would you (as a professional storyteller, prospective children's author) want from a conference--to get published, right? Let's see what we can make happen shall we? Keep watching!
Writing Librarian
Last - I've been madly writing and planning and working, I even posted in The Writing Librarian. Not a lot, but some updates and a little back story/side story from the novel.
Oh, can't forget the 'regular' stuff!
ie: The FOURTH of JULY!!
It was some fishing and relaxing at the cabin . . .
Uh oh, Lex has one . . .
Did I ever mention I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to touching the fish?
Not going over there again! No thanks. I'll stay on this side and just watch from now on.
Caught a few of this little imp - must have been read too many frog princess stories or something, she was KISSING the worms!
Utah has new fireworks laws - kids in a candy shop, not that I got any of THOSE pictures. Justin did tho'...I'll post when he uploads :)
Ta for now!
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