Sunday, September 23, 2007

Silly Girl!

Oh my, you would think that a dress (or skirt) would slow down my little hyper girl! NOT!!!

I tell her and I tell her, if you are going to wear a skirt you have to act like a lady in it.

Can I EVER talk her into pants or capris. That would be a big fat NO!

It literally requires someone sitting on her to get her to wear anything but dresses and skirts.

So, what do I walk out to find today?

Take a look:

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-She IS wearing SHORTS under the skirt - I do know my daughter :) Oh, and the look of dismay - it's at being CAUGHT!! LOL!


Anonymous said...

My daughter is the same way. I always ask if she has shorts on underneath her skirt before she leaves the house. :) Don't you just love little girls.

scrappermimi said...

So cute, I have friends that can't get there kids to wear a skirt. They are all so individual!

Trish said...

too funny!