Saturday, May 12, 2007

Inspiration in Art

I love looking at art. Even if it is not the medium I work with, I still find such inspiration by looking. I better not post a photo from the gallery, but I was shown this website a few days ago, and I can't get it out of my head. It makes me feel intrigued and uplifted everytime I think of it:

Wisdom of Light

My favorite, the one I keep going back to is the Birds of Paradise

Something about the beautiful color scheme with the touch of electric color - the 'hats' on the birds bursting up and out like that. I almost see a momma and two children, uh-oh little one what have you gotten into to make your momma look at you like that. Is that a guilty look on your face? Anyway, it's in my head and it makes me feel creative.

Oh, and click on the Home button and watch the show - I'm so captured by the glimpse of the artist's paint covered hands holding the brushes. It strikes such a chord in my heart.

So, thank you Tatiyana K. Maybe someday I'll meet you.


Karen said...

That is the best reason to buy appliances!!! How funny though:) You put a smile on my face.

Rachael said...

Beautiful art!