Saturday, December 29, 2012

Upcycling Paperback Books

It's no secret that I work at the Orem Public Library.
Nor is it unheard of to learn that I am a bit of a crafter.
Neither is a real stretch to find out that I'm a dedicated life-long learner.

What does it all mean?

At long last, it's Project Time

You see, recently, as part of my quest to learn and master all that I can, I have been planning and creating with my library co-workers. And yes, I would absolutely love to have a store in the library, a store like you've probably not seen before, a store that (among it's many myriad things) would sell items like these
 . . .


Here is how to do it, step by (hopefully easy to understand) step:



p.s. Using Double-sided tape can be difficult. Ditto with trying various crafting tape runners. I use my Framer's Tape Gun and it works very well.
And in the end, you get a little something like this:

p.s. Use old colored edges for a hint of color!

1 comment:

BrendaB said...

These are gorgeous,Amy! Thanks for sharing the instructions.