I'll be posting some photos very soon...
Here they are!
Alexis had a storytelling part - she told a story intermixed with the dancing inbetween. She memorized SO much - it was amazing!
That little girl has a memory and seems to be quite the little performer on top of that.
Oh, she did inform me that there was no way she was going to "...use as much expression as you do mom" - yes the girl used the word 'expression'.
As you can see, I think she still did use a bit of expression ;)

... the costumes were ADORABLE, I just wish I could have snapped some better photos.

Lexy is in the middle - this was for the song 'Ain't I Sweet' Lexy is in the middle - this was for the song 'Ain't I Sweet'

Thai did a lot of work on the backdrop - it was incredible! So much detail - Look, there are even litte pom poms on the dress and toes!
Now I get to scrap it all!

Thai & Alexis
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